2013年8月29日 星期四


Dear parents,

It has been 3 weeks since school started.  I am really appreciated your help and support. Let's  work together to help our kids learn better and have an extraordinary year.

I will try to post the class pictures every week.  Please feel free to let me know if you have any question or comments about the class.

This week, we had opening mass rehearsal and half day off due to typhoon on Thursday, and Opening Mass on Friday morning.  We did have time for assessment this week. Next week, there will be 2 assessment (week3 and week4).

Again, thanks so very much for your support and help.

A. Huang

play with shaving cream (sensory)

work together (fine mortor skill)

Kids learn to play and work together..

smelling and tasting (sour, salty and sweet)

I prepared lemon, passion-fruit, salty flavor almond  and the school dessert, custard tart, for Pre-K to smell and taste.  It's great to see that kids enjoy this activity.

we had fun missing colors